Monday, April 12, 2010

National BLT Month

Yes it's true, April is National BLT month! BLTs are the second most popular sandwich in the US so it isn't a surprise that this crunchy, delicious sandwich would be recognized! Even though I'm trying to eat healthy these days I couldn't resist posting about my favorite sandwich the BLT!!! So with trying to be healthy I looked up to see how bad the BLT is for you.

Here's the breakdown:

White Bread 2 thin slices ~ 170 calories
Bacon 4 pieces ~ 400 calories
Lettuce 2 leaves ~ 5 calories
Tomato 3 slices ~ 20 calories
Provolone Cheese 1 slice ~ 100 calories
Mayo 2 tbsp ~ 100 calories

Total : ~797 calories

So all in all maybe not the greatest meal but with a few adjustments you can have your beloved BLT without the guilt.

I would definitely try to cut down on the pieces of bacon if you can't altogether switch it out for Turkey bacon. I know I know, many of you may say it's not the same, but for about 1/2 the amount of calories for the same amount of slices, you may want to reconsider.

Although, cheese is definitely one of my faves, try without from time to time. You may find that you don't even miss it.

Mayo may be a staple in your sandwich as it is mine since I hate dry sandwichs, but try some other things with less calories to moisten the sandwich up. Mustard is a great alternative and will shred the amount of calories in your sandwich. However, be careful and read labels! Some honey mustard can contain 25 calories per tbsp and up!

One last trick is think about using a whole wheat tortilla and make it a BLT wrap. You still get the awesome flavors sans the filling white bread.

Even without substitutions the BLT isn't the most horrible thing out there to eat, so don't deny yourself and give yourself a treat. After all it is BLT month! =D

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